1. WATER ABSORPTION – 5 bricks are taken and the bricks are weighed dry and the average dry weight of 5 bricks is calculated. Bricks are then immersed in water for a period of 24 hours. After 24 hours of immersion, bricks are weighed again and average of 5 bricks is calculated. The difference of the final average weight and initial average weight indicates the amount of water absorbed by the bricks. It should not in any case exceed 20% of average weight of dry bricks.
    Water Absorption of our bricks < 15%


  1. HARDNESS – Hydraulic hardness testers are used to measure the compressive strength of bricks. The minimum compressive strength required is 75 kg/cm2.
    We ensure that strength of our bricks is above 125 Kg/cm2


  1. EFFLORESCENCE – Efflorescence is measured on the basis of alkalinity of the soil. WE at K.K BRICKS make sure that we procure the soil (clay) with least alkalinity. The method of observation is to first wet the bricks with distilled water and then they are left to dry under shade. When the bricks dry some whitish materials may be seen on the surface. This is called efflorescence. We list a few sample scenarios for the final observations:
    • Nil: When there is no perceptible deposit of salt
    • Slight: When not more than 10% of the area of brick is covered with salt
    • Moderate: When there is heavy deposit covering 50% of the area of the brick but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.
    • Heavy: When there is heavy deposit covering more than 50% of the area of the brick accompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.
    • Serious: When there is heavy deposit of salts accompanied by powdering and/or flaking of the surface and this deposition tends to increase in the repeated wetting of the specimen.

    Bricks for general construction should not have more than slight to moderate efflorescence.

    Our bricks show efflorescence up to Slight category only means bricks without salt.


  1. SOUNDNESS – Two bricks are taken, one in each hand, and they are struck with each other lightly. A brick of good quality should not break and a clear ringing sound should be produced.The customer is welcome to take a ringing sound test for our bricks.


    We at K.K bricks have trained supervisors who conduct regular inspection of bricks to ensure best quality product to our customers.In this test bricks are closely inspected for its shape, size and strength. The bricks of good quality are desired to be uniform in shape and size and should have truly rectangular sides with sharp edges.